Shading: How to use pressure control

One of the major challenges that beginners face while starting to draw is the process of shading. While it might not sound like a big deal, it can decide how your final output looks like.

Pressure control is something that you should keep in mind while shading as it holds the key.

Realistic shades are made by creating shades from light to dark. This depends on the pressure you apply on the pencil. The harder you press, the darker the shade will be.  To practice this, take a paper and shade from one end to another while pressing harder and harder until the values get darker gradually.

Another way to practice is to draw a long rectangle and split it into four squares. Shade the rectangle from left to right and increase the shade intensity as you move from one square to another.

Practicing these two techniques can help you get a better hold of the whole shading process.

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