Art therapy: What are the benefits?

art therapy

Using visual art for therapy is known as art therapy. You can try any activity like painting, doodling, journaling among others using different mediums to have a therapeutic effect on your mind.

There are professional art therapists who can help you find the art activities that suit you the best. But it is not necessary to consult one if you want to start art therapy. Find any medium that seems comfortable to you and start creating. It will take you some time to get used to the medium and the process.

The focus of art therapy is on the process and not on the final product. There are no mistakes in your work in art therapy. You can draw whatever calms you down.

The benefits of art therapy include self-discovery, an increase in self-esteem, emotional release, and stress relief. You will be able to acknowledge your feelings, feel a sense of accomplishment, let go of your emotional slack, and relieve the stress when you practice it.

Art therapy can help you release dopamine when you create. It will also help you to communicate with others through your art. Art therapy does not make you a great artist but makes you a better human being.

3 Shocking facts about Art that you should know

Did you know that Art can completely change your life?

Not many people are aware of this as most of us do Art just for fun. But according to various studies, Art can bring huge changes in the life of a person. We will be listing down some facts related to Art today.

  • Students who study art are four times more likely to be recognized for academic achievement.
  • According to studies, Art can promote creativity, social development and self-worth.
  • Drawing develops hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness- abilities that engineers and architects use

Not only these, Art is mandatory for children in countries that rank highest for maths and science. So if you are not trying out art, it is about time you spend some time for it.